Thursday, March 11, 2010

Respone Reading : "CENSOR COME CALLING"

In the years since, the internet has become a Battlefield rather than Sanctuary
That is why the Censorship become really important issue in recent time. According to this article reporting by Lisa Murray, 60 online journalist and blogger have been jailed because they internet was catch by internet censors created by Chinese Government. China also being really successful in containing the spread of" "unauthorized" information over the net, which many other country have followed it.
Those country which are Iran, Libya, Tunsia, Egypt and Vietnam force their internet service to provide s to apply filters, which block the dangerous website and blog.

After read and growing through this article, there is evidence and opinion about the Censorship. The first things I agree with Censorship when The US Government force search engines to hand over records so that it can defend a controversial internet pornography law.
Of course this is really positive things, the fact is this law really help the citizen especially to protecting children from hard-core photography. Another benefit for this censors is to decrease the sex criminal in their country.So, this censorship must be defend in all country.

However, My personal thought against the censorship law that China and Iran government have. China's Government censors tract down dissident and block unauthorized website so people or the company in China missing out their piece of the word's fastest growing market. Their must faced to have limited freedom to condemning Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft. This is really big disadvantages for China citizen, killing their desire to get the knowledge and information.

They modify of banned sites in Iran is already make without informing the viewers. This banned sites now already mentioning woman's right. The question is "why woman's right??". The censorship in Iran showing the fact that women has a big difficulty to getting know their Right.This is why My personal thought really against this censorship.

In addition Censorship could be a good things if we placed it in the right place. However it can be bad things when they start to decrease the development of information.

Citizen Journalism

Citizen Journalism is a citizen who accidentally collects the information and bright up the idea to assist the media company regarding recent activities. Citizen journalism is the people who like to prove their self as an innovative people.

The fascinating thing about citizen journalism is people can spontaneously or deliberately be journalist when the accident happens such as tsunami, earthquake, or vehicle accident. By using their cellphone or their camera to record it and upload the information or the video to media technology such as via Facebook, You tube or Email. The people without proper journalism training can be challenging to professional Journalism because sometimes they can give audience high quality news.

Millions of people around the world can contributing information to the news, would be an amazing feat of technology. It seems like a good idea, but the reality of citizen journalism is that not everyone can be journalist. Ordinary citizen are not trained to be good the journalist and their work can often be prejudiced and their be can be inaccurate. Sometimes the way this people tell the information not professional as a professional journalist.

This is the video record from Indonesia Citizen when the earthquake in Padang 2009(West Sumatra) happens. The video was catch before the professional reporter has a chance to get the video. The condition from this video help People know the fact of this disaster. It also give information to Indonesia Government to move fast to help the victim.

In addition Citizen Journalism is the great way for people to explore they respond about the information or news. The participation of the citizen journalism prove that people has they right to involve in Media Information. On the other hand the development technology offering the citizen to show they right trough comment, video or the picture to media Technology such as You tube or Facebook.